NAPANc is proud to present
The 13th Annual gathering of the National Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses of Canada (NAPANc)
June 12-14, 2015 in Moncton, New Brunswick
Why not drop down a little early or stay a few days after to enjoy everything there is to see and do in the Maritimes? See the World’s Largest Flower Pots in Hopewell Cape, N.B. or Fundy Park, ‘cause the Bay of Fundy has the World’s Highest Tides—some fools have even been surfin’ on the Petitcodiac! Prince Edward Island and that cute little red-head are just a quick spin over the Confederation Bridge, and Halifax, N.S. is a pretty swanky city for culture ‘n good eats. Anyways, get on the Google and check us out!
So sign up right quick, eh, we’re some excited to share our down-home kitchen party with our colleagues from sea ta sea!!
XO Your Ole Pal Salty MacFiddlehead
2015 Conference Presentations:
- Atrial Fibrillation presented by S. Morris RN
- Change: Opportunity or Threat? presented by Dr. I. Bouhtiauy
- Preoperative Fluid Management presented by Dr. M. Greschner
- Preoperative Glucose Control presented by Dr. M. C. MacSween
- Update in the Perioperative and Emergency Management of Novel Oral Anticoagulants presented by Dr. A. Gallien
- Opioid Antagonist Therapy: The skinny on Methadone presented by Dr. C. Levesque