I Nursing Contacts
A. Provincial:
Ontario PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association (OPANA)
PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association of Northern Alberta Chapter (PANA-NAC)
PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association of Southern Alberta Chapter (PANA-SAC)
PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association of British Columbia (PANBC)
PeriAnesthesia Nurses Group of Saskatchewan (PANGS)
Quebec PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association (QPANA)
Association of Nova Scotia PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ANSPAN)
B. National:
Canadian Nursing Association and
Operating Room Nurses Association of Canada
Critical Care Nurses of Canada (CACCN)
C. International:
American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses
British Anaesthesia and Recovery Nurses Association (BARNA)
Irish Anaesthesia and Recovery Nurses Association (IARNA)
International Conference for PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ICPAN)
II Medical Associations:
Canadian Anesthesiologists Society