The National Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses of Canada (NAPANc) is operated by perianesthesia nurse volunteers from across the country. To qualify for a volunteer position, the perianesthesia nurse must be a member of the provincial/territorial perianesthesia association in which he/she resides.
The Constitution and Bylaws of the Association (NAPANc) describe the make up of the operations of the association. The management of the association is determined by this Constitution and has been designed as follows:
The Executive: is comprised of a President, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, President-Elect, Secretary-Elect and Treasurer-Elect. These individuals are nominated, or volunteer, for their roles. The decision making for the operation of the Association is made by this group of individuals. They can be from any of the provinces or territories in the country.
The Advisory Council: is comprised of nursing and medical leaders who are volunteers for the Association. They can be called upon to attend the Board meetings to give advise on certain topics: Standards, Position Statements, etc. The Association may have up to 8 advisors at any given time.
The Board of Directors: General discussions and decision-making is made at the Board level. The Executive of the association is compelled to meet with the Board and to report topics, issues and suggestions to the Board and ask their advise on a quarterly basis. The Board is comprised of active members of the Boards or Executives of the provincial/territorial associations, as determined by each provincial association. Usually, the President of the provincial association is the nominated representative for the Board of Directors of NAPANc.
Sub-Committees: Several sub-committees are appointed to work on areas that require ongoing specialized input. These committees can be formed and disbanded depending on the needs of the Association. Some examples of these committees include:
a) Standards Committee: This group of individuals works constantly on developing and revising, on an ongoing basis, the NAPANc Standards for PeriAnesthesia Practice.
b) Nominations Committee: This group recruits individuals for vacant positions in the Executive, Board of Directors and any of the committees
c) Website Committee: This group is responsible for designing, and revising the NAPANc website:, and inputting the changes on an ongoing basis.
d) Newsletter Committee: This group is responsible for the content, formatting and publication of four (4) newsletters annually, every three months. The content will include uptodate information regarding perianesthesia conferences, workshops and latest clinical pratice issues. There will be photos and bulletins regarding upcoming special events.
d) Fundraising Committee: This group is responsible for recruiting donors and sponsors to assist with the association's financial responsibilities related to operating this non-profit association, including printing costs, website costs, etc.
e) Conference Committee: This group is province-based as a part of that provincial association. This position rotates annually through the provinces as each province volunteers or is asked to host the next annual conference. The person(s) selected as Chair is selected by that provincial association, and must join the NAPANc Board of Directors for the year leading up to the conference. This person must give a report to the Board at quarterly meetings.
Please click on the relevant section under "Organizational Structure" to review the current volunteer members of the Executive, Board of Directors or any of the sub-committees.