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Dates to Remember


Alberta's interest group was originally started in 1989-1990.   Regular meetings commenced in September 1989.


At this time the group covered all of Alberta with bi-monthly meetings. In the early 1990’s the interest group divided into 2 groups: one for northern Alberta (North Alberta/Canada, NAC) and one for southern Alberta (South Alberta/Canada, SAC).  This separation was implemented because the majority of the group's members were from either the Edmonton area or the Calgary area.  This division enhanced communication amongst each group and greatly reduced travel.


Membership in these groups have been variable since the groups' conception, but with the formation of the National interest group (National Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses of Canada, NAPANc) and because the first recognized meeting was held in Calgary, there has been a significant increase in membership and interest in this association.


I. PANA-SAC:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                                                              



Southern Alberta Chapter


PANA-SAC Executive consist of:

President: Devany Holzwarth

Immediate Past President: Valerie Vaillancourt  

Treasurer:   Mindy Thompson 

Secretary: Angeline Strum 

Past Presidents: Dory Glazer, Lynn Buchanan 


Please contact Devany Holzwarth, President, if you have any questions or if you would like to join this association.

Website address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Please use the PANA-SAC Membership Application Form to join this association.


 II. PANA-NAC:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 




Northern Alberta Chapter


Our Mission

We at PANA-NAC are committed to upholding and promoting excellence in PeriAnesthesia

Nursing through professional development, interdisciplinary collaboration, research, and

leadership in Northern Alberta.


2019-Present Executive Members

President: Valerie Vaillancourt

Secretary: Emma Germain

Treasurer: Vivien Ng


Visit us at PANA – Northern Alberta Chapter (


And contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.