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Dates to Remember


Membership in the National Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses of Canada is available by joining your provincial or territory's association.  All application forms are available below, and may be completed as directed (by printing and mailing, or through website registration systems, depending on the province):


Alberta South:


Please copy and print this form: PANA-SAC Application Form and mail it along with your cheque to the address indicated on the form in order to join the PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association of Southern Alberta Chapter, PANA-SAC, or go to their website: .  Thank you for joining PANA-SAC!


Alberta North:


Please copy and print this form: PANA-NAC Application Form and mail it along with your cheque to the address indicated on the form in order to join the PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association of Northern Alberta Chapter, PANA-NAC, or go to their website:  Thank you for joining PANA-NAC!


British Columbia:


Please copy and print this form: PANBC Application Form and mail it along with your cheque to the address indicted on the form in order to join the PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association of British Columbia, PANBC or go to their website:  Thank you for joining PANBC!




Please copy and print this form to join the Manitoba Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (MAPAN)MAPANc Application Form and mail it along with your payment to the address indicated on the form.  Thank you for joining MAPAN!




Please feel free to join Nova ScotiaThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.s listed below.  They will welcome your application.  Please note that the volunteers are actively attempting to develop a PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association for NL at this time.  ANSPAN Application Form


New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island:


Please copy and print this form to join the PeriAnesthesia Nurses of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island (PANNB/PEI): PANNB/PEI Application Form English or French and mail it along with your cheque to the address indicated on the form.  Thank you for joining PANNB/PEI!


Northwest Territories:


Please feel free to contact either Alberta North or Sasketchewan to apply for your membership in their associations:  PANA-NAC and PANGS respectively, listed above and below, depending on your residence and proximity.  Thanks for joining PANA-NAC or PANGS!


Nova Scotia:


Please copy and print this form to join the Association of Nova Scotia PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ANSPAN):  ANSPAN Application Form and mail it along with your cheque to the address indicated on the form.  Or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.  Thanks for joining ANSPAN.




Please feel free to join MAPAN and use the application listed above.  MAPAN welcomes all PeriAnesthesia Nurses from Nunavut!  Thanks for joining MAPAN!




Please click on this OPANA Application Form for Membership in the Ontario PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association (OPANA).  Payments may be made with a credit card directly through this online registration system or by mailing your credit card number (with your signature) or cheque along with a copy of this form to the address indicated on the form.   OPANA's membership year begins on January 1 until December 31 annually.  Thank you for joining OPANA!




Please copy and print this form: QPANA Membership Application Form (English) or AIPAQ Formulaire d'inscription and mail it along with your cheque to the address indicated in order to join the Quebec PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association (QPANA/AIPAQ).  Thank you for joining QPANA!




Please copy and print this form: PANGS Membership Application Form and mail it along with your cheque to the address indicated in order to join the PeriAnesthesia Nurses Group of Saskatchewan (PANGS) or go to their website for more information: .  Thank you for joining PANGS!




Please feel free to contact the British Columbia contact to join PANBC, as listed above.  Thanks for joining PANBC!