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Dates to Remember

  • 2025: ICPAN Conference                       in Dublin, Ireland                                 Date:  Sept 3-5, 2025 
  • 2025:  ASPAN Conference in Dallas Texas                                                      Date: April  26-May 1, 2025
  • 2024: NTI, Denver                                 Date: May 20-22 2024




2023 NAPANc National Conference In Ottawa

was held on May 13 & 14, 2023 Hosted by OPANA

The Westin is located in downtown Ottawa. It is a few minutes from Parlement Hill, Major Hills' Park, the Byward Market and the Rideau Center

Rooms are at a discounted rate of $245/night 

Hotel Link

Conference Poster (downloadable)

Conference Bursary in English: Apply Now!

Conference Bursay in French: Apply Now!

Additional Conference Information and Final Conference Survey


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