New Brunswick/Prince Edward Island
Who are we?
The PeriAnesthesia Nurses of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island (PANNB/PEI) association was formed in 2005.
Current membership throughout each of the two provinces is 66 and has been consistently growing each year. All members of PANNB/PEI are automatically members of NAPANc with a portion of the annual membership fee going towards supporting the national association. NAPANc strives to develop our Standards of Practice and have been successful in developing our first CNA certification exam. We are the 20th Nursing speciality to attain certification.
PANNB/PEI’s objectives are: To promote excellence in PeriAnesthesia nursing practice by supporting the NAPANc standards, to provide an opportunity for PeriAnesthesia nurses to meet and exchange ideas of common professional interest, and to provide educational sessions for the professional development of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. PANNB/PEI holds an annual general meeting and education day for its members each fall.
Join our facebook page: PeriAnesthesia Nurses of New Brunswick/Prince Edward Island (PANNB/PEI)
Who is NAPANc?
The National Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses of Canada (NAPANc) promotes leadership to PeriAnesthesia nurses in education, research and adapting to evolving practices in client and health services needs within the Canadian health care system by:
- Advancing professional, competent, efficient, compassionate PeriAnesthesia nursing practice through ongoing educational opportunities that identify current, comprehensive practice standards
- Striving for best-practice PeriAnesthesia nursing care with credentialing through Certification with the Canadian Nurses Association
- Validating PeriAnesthesia nursing care as a distinct nursing speciality with a unique knowledge base to PeriAnesthesia clients, the public and interprofessional team (IPT) members of the health sector through Certification with the Canadian Nurses Association
- Mentoring and preceptoring of all nurses in the PeriAnesthesia environment through endorsement and dissemination of PeriAnesthesia nursing best-practice standards for practice
- Collaborating with other healthcare sector professionals and health service organizations: in promoting PeriAnesthesia nursing through consultation and innovation for their dedication, leadership and knowledge, and for their stewardship of volunteerism in promoting PeriAnesthesia nursing
- Benchmarking current practices with national and international PeriAnesthesia nursing colleagues through collaborative and reciprocal approaches including educational opportunities, knowledge-sharing of evidence-based practice standards and research.
Why you should join!
The more members we have the more support we give to our National Association and the better our Standards of Practice become. Our annual education day covers great topics to incorporate into practice.
To become a member of PANNB/PEI, please copy a form and send to the address listed. Membership is only $25 per year.
President PANNB/PEI
Presidential Introduction Letter-English
Presidential Introduction Letter-French
Membership Registration Form- English
Membership Registration Form- French
2019 National Conference Bursary Application Form
2019 Certification Bursary Application Form
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