Standards Resources 4th Edition
Standards for Practice Resources
B: Chart of Required Organizational Practices
C: Aldrete Discharge Scoring System
D: Modified Aldrete Discharge Scoring System
E: Post Anesthetic Discharge Scoring System (PADSS)
F: Motor Assessment using the Bromage Scale
G: Dermatomes for Assessment of Regional Anesthesia
H: White's Criteria for Fast Tracking from the OR to Bypass Phase I
I: SBAR (Example)
J: PreOperative Checklist (Day of Surgery Phase to OR) (Example)
K: World Health Organization (WHO) Surgical Checklist
L: Surgical Safety Checklist CPSI
M: OR to Phase I, and Phase I to Phase II Transfer Checklist (Example)
N: Alterations of Aging Clients and Effect of Anesthesia on Geriatric Response
O: PreOperative Fasting/Thirsting Regime for All Ages
P: Effects of Types and Techniques of Sedation and General Anesthesia
Q: Numeric Rating Scale (top) and Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale (bottom)
R: Brief Pain Inventory
S: Behavioural/Cognitive Interventions for Acute Pain
T: World Health Organization: Step-wise or Laddered Approach to Pain Management
U: Pharmacological Analgesics
V: Sedation Assessment Scales (Three Examples)
W: ERAS Protocol (EP)
X: STOP-Bang Questionnaire: Screening Tool for OSA
Resource 4 2020 Assessment and Management of PeriAnesthesia Pain
Resource 5 2020 Management of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in all PeriAnesthesia Phases
Resource 6 2020 PeriAnesthesia Care of the Pediatric Client
Resource 1 2018 Client Assessment, Data Collection and Management in all Phases of the PeriAnesthesia Environment
Resource 2 2018 PeriAnesthesia Care of the Geriatric Client
Resource 3 2018 Critical Care Overflow in Phase I (PostAnesthesia Care Unit)
Resource 4 2018 Assessment and Management of PeriAnesthesia Pain (archived 2020)
Resource 5 2018 Management of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in all PeriAnesthesia Phases (archived 2020)
Resource 6 2018 PeriAnesthesia Care of the Pediatric Client (archived 2020)
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