Membership Benefits
Membership in the National PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association is only possible through joining your local provincial or territory's association. Please go to "Provinces/Territories" to locate your own provincial association and contact information.
Benefits of joining your Provincial Association may vary, but will include (but are not limited to):
Newsletters published by the applicable association
Automatic membership in the National Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses
Newsletters published by the National Association
Discounts on Provincial and National conferences
Discounts on Standards for Practice, for both of the provincial and national standards (depending on the province)
Networking opportunities: both through this website and through your provincial contact or website
Information regarding national, provincial and international conferences
Information regarding the Canadian Nurses Association and political activities
Information regarding best practices and guidelines for gold standard perianesthesia nursing care
And much more! Stay connected: join your provincial association today! Contact your Provincial Representative for further information or email us at:
Thanks for joining NAPANc!
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